Wednesday, March 29, 2006

Bobby's Post 1:evaluation and assesment

I am going to be grading each of the student’s essays on the content, not so much on the grammar. I don’t want them to be caught up on making their sentences perfectly, because I am not an English teacher. I want them to be able to pass on their content effectively and concentrate on the reliability of their content. However, if the grammar is really bad I will advise the student to correct it and then resubmit it. I will be giving each student their own personal extensive feedback. I believe that in order for students to learn, they have to know what they are doing wrong. So I want to give them enough feedback for them to take some additional information from the project. The essay portion of this project will be worth a total of 100 points; 75 percent on content, 10 percent on grammar, and 15 percent on reliability of information.

The second part of this project is a presentation. The presentation will be done on PowerPoint or any other means the student wishes to convey his message. The presentation will be worth a total of 65 points. I will be looking for the effectiveness of the presentation, the content being passed on, and the overall presentation. I will be taking notes on each student’s presentation and be formulating a quiz from that. I will use this quiz to see if the students were learning about the different culture their classmates are presenting. It will be a multiple choice quiz with one or two short answer essays. The quiz will be worth 35 points and will be added on to the presentations to form a total of 100.

After the essay, presentation and quiz, i will have my students write a reflection or a reaction paper on the overall project. I really like the idea of hearing about the students feeling on the assignments they are doing. I will use their feedback to create a better assignment for future classes.

Monday, March 27, 2006

Bobby's Post 3

This a day late, but I am still going to let everyone know how the life of an undergrad is. This week was a very interesting one. I went to a battle of the bands in cape coral, played 2 baseball games this week (one got rained out or I would have had three), and I got ahead on some of my assignments. One of the only problems I have been having is writing a song for a project. I am not that talented in the song writing department, but I thought I step up and take this to relieve some stress on my groupmates. But so far I have been struggling. The rubric for this assignment said it has to be original and creative, so I don't want to borrow versus from other songs, but I think I have no choice now. I don't understand why classes do projects and assignments that will never be used or are not helping us in anyways. I think that this project is one of those. Anyways, baseball is starting up this Saturday and I am so excited. I have already purchased the baseball package on direct TV, so I can watch all my boys on the Boston Red Sox every game. I am very excited about this season, I think we are going to bring home our second championship this century, but that is just my opinion. My classes are going good and we only have a couple weeks left in the semester so hopefully if i keep ahead, i wont be too swamped in the last two weeks. I hope that everyone is doing well and i will talk to you later, bye.

Thursday, March 23, 2006

Bobby's Post 2

We are half way through our semester and it is now time for our midterm. In EME 2040 Introduction to Computers in Education we are required to write a three to seven page essay about our learning experiences and challenges throughout the semester. The professor wants to know what we have learned, what challenges did we face, what surprised us in the course, what would we do differently, what is the role of technology in becoming a teacher, and what are we taking away from this course. As a future teacher I understand how important it is to know how you are affecting the lives of your students from what you are teaching. This assignment will be a good way for our professor to get some feedback on how he is affecting our lives through his teaching.

This is my midterm assignment for the EME 2040, to read more about this clich HERE.

Tuesday, March 21, 2006

Bobby's Post 1

This is my day to day guide for my classroom activity. This is just a draft once I start to have my own class I will be able to judge it more correctly and adjust my schedule according to the flow of my class.

-Everyday I will be doing the standard curriculum assigned to my particular subject by the state, except for the presentation week and the first day of week two. I still need to prepare my students for other goals and be able to finish the curriculum in time for them to pass on to the next level.

-Week 1-

Day 1: Introduce Classroom activity and project goals to the students.
Day 2: Show them more examples of this project and let them know what expectations I will be looking for. Also, Find out which culture each student is and will be presenting on.
Day 3: Talk about cultures and why it is important we need to learn about others. Also, the students are going to start doing research. Assign by Friday that the students need atleast 10 resources to be turned in, (whether it be books, interviews, websites, etc.)
Day 4: Help students with research, give helpful advice on where to get some, and what to do with it.
Day 5: Start to show some more examples of the essay I am looking for. What protocol am I using and how to site sources. (over the weekend the students are going to be asked to get a rough draft done or have their ideas/outline written down for a exercise on the following Monday)

-Week 2-

Day 1: Students need to bring in their rough drafts or ideas/outlines for group discussions and peer reviews. Also I will be going around helping any student that needs advice or guidance.
Day 2: Students will now be writing their essays or adding on material from the advice of others or myself. This is also the time I will be helping them with any problems they may have.
Day 3: Same as above, students will be working on perfecting their essays. Also, the students will be choosing the days they will be presenting on.
Day 4: Show the students an example of the power point presentation. They can see what they need to accomplish, they can either copy the same way I have it or think of a new way to present the material. Whether it be a poster board, handouts, or etc.
Day 5: Here is where I will be available to help students with advice or hints with their presentations or essays.

-Week 3-

Day 1: Presentations of student projects*
Day 2: Presentations of student projects*
Day 3: Presentations of student projects*
Day 4: Presentations of student projects*
Day 5: Presentations of student projects*

*Essay's are to be turned in on the day that the student gives his or her presentation.

I am giving 5 days for presentation, because I don't know how long each student will be going for, I am thinking 4 to 8 min, but some might go longer and some shorter. Also, I don't know how many students are going to be in my class, so I want to have enough time for each student to give a good presentation.

Thursday, March 16, 2006

Bobby's Post 3

I hope everybody had a good spring break, i did until the end of the week. i caught a cold that just ruined my weekend. But that does not matter, i had a good week off of school. It has been a little difficult to get back into the swing of things, i mean doing homework and driving out to my classes. There is only five or six more weeks off school and i am very excited about that, because after this semester i will be a senior and almost finished with college. I really dont feel like i am going to be a senior, but life comes at you fast and all we can do is try to be prepared for it. Well, good luck to all with your upcoming assignments, and i will talk to you later.

Wednesday, March 15, 2006

Bobby's post 2

This is the assignment on the family tree. I hope you like it and maybe learn part of my family. So if you would like to view it and i hope you do just click on Bobby's Family Tree.

Bobby's Post 1 revised

Here is the revised version of the template of my classroom activity. Any suggestions will be helpful, i will give each due consideration. Thank You.

Title: The Diverse Cultures of the World

Objectives: I want my students to have some pride in their nationality and culture. I want them to learn about their cultures past and present. Once the students get a feel for their culture history, they can begin to understand and learn about other cultures, and still keep their identity and pride of their own. I want my students to change their attitudes towards other cultures, especially stereotyping minorities.

Prerequisite: I guess my students would need to have access to their history, nationality and cultural customs. They would obviously need some computer/typing skills for the writing part of the assignment.

Materials needed: Computer, Internet access, Power point, Word

Set up/Context:
- 10-grade world history class, or a geography class
- 2-3 weeks,
- One week for research, one for writing the assignment, one for presentation of assignments.
- The presentation will be in the classroom and research and prior writing at home.

Process/Instructions: I will have a step by step plan when i use this activity for the first time. I need to get to know my students and their abilities before i place a project like this upon them. I will have a timeline, example of the project, as well as the power point for this project. Students will be able to borrow the same template as me or make their own from scratch.

Outcomes: The student will have produced at the end of the project a 4-6-page essay on their particular nationality, a power point for a presentation, and a little knowledge of the other cultures in the world.

Evaluation: I am going to be taking notes throughout each student’s presentation, and I will copy or take the highlighted points from the student’s assignments and make a comprehensive test on what they learned about the cultures. I will have some multiple-choice questions and a short essay.

Follow Up: The follow up for this assignment will be another 1-2 week assignment that has to deal with a partner or other classmate’s nationality. I want to get the students view of other cultures and hopefully get them to learn something new about their classmate.

Resources: I will hopefully find a website for each of the different cultures. The school i teach at will probably have a link to a database where i can find this information. Also, the school or local libraries will have sufficient books for the students to use. I think my reference page will be in APA or MLA whatever is the majority choice in the school I teach in.

Wednesday, March 01, 2006

Post 3 - Life as a Undergrad - bobby: part 3

So far this week has been a good one, since there is only one more class day(well for me) till spring break. My best friend, who left for college in penn. is coming back down to visit. Also the Red Sox start having spring traning games on saturday, that means that the season will start up again in about a month. My classes are going well, i think i got a really good grade on my american diplomacy class midterm. I am still busy doing a lot of work for my teaching classes, they are harder than my upper division history courses (who would of thought that). Since it is almost spring break and i did good on my midterms, i think i am going to treat myself to some chinese food for lunch today. If you have never been to Tasty Wok(on college parkway, next to the publix) you should go, it has the absolute best chines food i have ever tasted, and i have been to china town in boston and ny. Well anyways until we talk next week, have fun and be safe over the spring break holiday.


Bobby's post 2: Kiosk Project

This is my kiosk power point project. We had to use our autobiography and our over 60 year old person biography to make a power point presentation. I really enjoyed this project because i got to use power point, which is always a fun thing to do.

Some day when I become a teacher I would like to use a project similar to this, so I can understand my students a little bit better. I would change it a little bit to pertain to history, since that is the field of study I am going into, but I would like to find out about each students past and lifestyles. I thoroughly enjoyed this assignment and can’t wait for my grade once the final kiosk project is completed. If you would like to read more click here.