Thursday, April 06, 2006

Bobby's Post 1

I have made many changes to my classroom activity throughout the blogging experience. I had a lot of help from my mentors and fellow classmates. I have changed the way I will grade my projects, how much time is available for this project, what resources I am looking for, extra credit I can give to guarantee participation. I noticed how the best and most response came from my mentors. They told me what works for them and what does not. With their good advice I should be prepared for my own class, but a lot of my knowledge will come from my experiences when I do become a teacher.

Jbconely wrote, "Do students need to get it approved by you or can they just wing it? I think that the reflection paper is an excellent idea because it gives you feedback on if the students liked the activity or found it useful. Overall, your evaluation and assessment looks good." > 3/31/2006 11:30:13 PM< jbconely gave me a lot of good suggestions for my project and also reinforced me when I did something good. I am definitely confident that my project is good, but once I become a teacher I will have to change some of my ideas to be geared to my particular class.

Ms. I wrote, “Here is my checklist: I will be looking at 1. Subject/verb agreement (issues with prepositions) 2. Correct pronoun usage 3. Inappropriate fragments and run-ons 4. Your/you're 5. Its/it's 6. Their/they're/there. That is it. If I have done specific instruction on a convention, that will be included on the list.” >4/02/2006 12:28:05 PM< Ms. I helped me clarify my ideas and help me think outside my normal state of mind. This particular comment helped me decide how I will grade my grammar, I really like her protocol and I plan on using this in my classroom. I don’t want to grade my students to harshly on their grammar that is what the English teachers are for. I just hope they learn the history and critical thinking skills, but also use good English.

Jbconely wrote, “I agree that you will have to alter your scheduled events to meet the class needs, but for this assignment pick the amount of time that you want. I'm happy that you realize that you need to be flexible in class time because sometimes the class will be ahead or behind schedule. I think that you can definitely shorten the amount of days it would take to complete this project. One example would be able to combine days 1, 2, and possible part of 3. Should students know what culture is before they are given examples of the project?” >3/25/2006 12:17:07 AM< In this message from jbconely she showed me that I really don’t need too much time for this project. She agrees with me that I need to be flexible, but should not use so much of my valuable class-time devoted to this one project. She also brought to my attention that I need to let my students choose what culture they want to do, but they need my approval on which one they do.


At 4/10/2006 09:05:00 PM, Blogger bobby said...

Thank you for your comments and compliments. I have learned in other areas of my life that you learn from experiences and i believe that when i become a teacher my whole philosophy will change. I hope to use different assesment than the traditional ones. but for some projects i deem them as necessary. I love the old fashion multiple choice and short answer essay test. but i am open to a variety of new ways to pass on knowledge. thank you for all the help this semester.


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